Butterfly knife blades theme picture of balisong balde

8 Types of Butterfly Knife/Balisong Blade, Worth Knowing

Different Butterfly Knife Blades Make Different Balisong. The balisong community is filled with a variety of butterfly knives, each possessing distinct characteristics in terms of color matches, st...

topic Where to buy a balisong

Where To Buy A Balisong/Butterfly Knife, Shops Are Big Hits

In this guide, we'll outline how butterfly knives are sold and where they are listed, enabling you to start flipping as soon as possible.

BalisongOrigin & History of Butterfly Knife, Where is Balisong from

Origin & History of Butterfly Knife, A Short View

Butterfly knives, also recognized as balisongs, stand as one of the most sought-after knife styles in contemporary times. As a member of the balisong community, have you ever had this question in y...

BalisongIs A Butterfly Knife Illegal-Blog Cover

Is A Butterfly Knife Illegal? A Need-To-Know Thing

Are you a butterfly knife enthusiast? To get into the hobby and enjoy flipping, you first need to own a butterfly knife. Of course, you must also be familiar with local laws and regulations to avoi...