The lube is pretty good. Worth grabbing if you can’t afford more premium lubes but still want a quality one. I used it with my canyon and it worked wonderfully.
What you see is what you get. It works well and you don’t even have to spend a lot of extra money for it. Worth getting especially if you’re new to flipping.
The quality for $60 is really good. It’s visually appealing, the sound is nice, and it’s durable. For my first Balisong I’m really happy with it. I would recommend it without a doubt. The tip of mine came slightly bent/curved but it barely affected performance. Not likely to happen to 99% of buyers so don’t worry. Also have to love the fact that they include a t10 bit and some spare hardware at no additional cost. Quality product with value. It succeeds at being an excellent budget friendly balisong while also maintaining good value and quality. Had it for a month without issues too!
Words cannot describe how insanely good this oil is. Within 2 minutes of applying it changed the whole feel of the balisong and it only gets better the longer you work it in. Would recomend this to anybody