It came in one week It was very nice and cool to use. 5 stars
i think the was a packaging mistake because i see nor feel no blemishes. strongly recommend. love the sound and feel.
I'm very new to balisong flipping, having started in August this year with the Nabalis Morse. The Extrusion is my second balisong I bought a little while ago, and it has been an amazing experience. I got it in silver, with look fantastic under any lighting conditions, and when it gets hit by lights it shines absolutely beautifully. This on top of the very nice looking carbon fiber pattern in the handles makes for a beautiful balisong.
Now, when it comes to the flipping, I honestly cannot say I have any complaints. For the price, I was expecting the Extrusion to flip quite decent, but I didn't have very many expectations for it other than that. Well, I am very pleased to say that the Extrusion took all the expectations I did have for it, and completely blew them away. Not only is it significantly lighter than my Morse is, which makes it not quite as fatiguing to flip, but it's also buttery smooth, especially with some Carbon Honey on it, it feels amazing to learn new tricks on, and I strongly believe that any new flipper will be able to learn how to flip very well on it if they put their minds to it.
With all the added stuff, like some loctite, super lube, extra pivots, washers, and bushings, I would say that the Extrusion is an excellent starting point for any new flipper. Take it from someone who is currently learning how to flip. If you're looking for a fantastic first balisong if you wanna get into this hobby, the Extrusion, especially for that price, is among the best you can buy
Recommedation for this knife from me is absolutely huge, becouse it performs perfectly. You can feel the knife as its rotating around your thumb and you are able to really connect with him. This is the best responsive knife you can find on market so dont hesitate and add him to your cart
Non mi aspettavo di meglio, il vulp mi mi ha veramente stupito. Piacevole, resistenze buone, hardware per la manutenzione; questo coltello è veramente un affare.
Era da un po’ di tempo che volevo entrare nel mondo dei balisong in modo più “serio” date le mie precedenti esperienze con un coltello a farfalla che mio fratello, molto tempo fa comprò per caso; e questo balisong mi ci ha letteralmente trascinato dentro.
Adesso le mie giornate sono più piene, il tempo passa più velocemente, ed io sono più sereno. che dire, veramente un buon prodotto.